(800) 834-6606

Video File Specifications

Send an MP3 of the program audio
VIDEO SIZE: 320 x 240
VIDEO FORMAT: .MOV H.264 Compression works best if you can’t make an .MOV please contact us for other options.
FRAME RATE: 29.97 fps drop frame
AUDIO FORMAT: 44 kHz, Mono
TOTAL BIT RATE: no more than 900 Kbps
FILE SIZE FOR 30 MIN VIDEO: less than 300 megabytes
QUALITY: Must be viewable, with clear audio, so that you get the best viewable product

We can also encode your full resolution video that you are sending to stations with closed captioning. Please call us before you send it.

Master Tape Specs:

Bars and tone must match program video and audio
Locked picture, audio, and supers
Must not have drop frames and/or distortion
SMPTE drop frame timecode if for broadcast;
If your master is NTSC non-drop frame, please indicate on label.
Continuous LTC (longitudinal time code) on the timecode (address) track

Suggested Audio:

Mono audio mix:
Track 1 = primary program audio
Track 2 = duplicate mono audio, silence, or music and effects

Stereo audio mix:
Track 1 = left channel stereo
Track 2 = right channel stereo


Please check tape specifications provided by the station or network you air on.

We will call you if your tape has “hits” or drops, as well as any audio issues. If the program is not airable, we will let you know ASAP, so that you can get us another before you meet deadline.

With a Closed Caption Master, we will include any information or spec sheet that goes with the tape to the airing station.

Please do not send us the only copy of your original master; -send us a clone or dub. As we are not responsible for damage or loss during shipping.


As with all of our closed captioning projects, with HD closed captioning, our staff performs a 27-point quality-control check on every program upon arrival to ensure your program is deemed airable by broadcast standards before captioning. If there is a problem, we let you know right away so your program will meet traffic deadlines and broadcast specifications.

We can accept video files for closed captioning in the following formats:
Apple ProRes
Quicktime H.264
Many other HD or SD formats can also be acceptable, just contact us to discus your specific project.


New Day Media can caption your program in nearly every popular tape format including:

Tape Captioning
• DigiBETA
• BetaSP
• MiniDV
• DVCPro

We close caption webcasts in the following formats:

Windows Media


What are 508 Laws associated with Closed Captioning

508 Website: www.section508.gov

FCC: www.fcc.gov

Section 508 is the 1998 amendment to the Rehabilitation Act. It requires federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities.

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