(800) 834-6606

Additional Services

Transcoding & Encoding Video Files

Transcoding files and delivering pristine video takes a professional level of knowledge in video presets and internet protocols. New Day Media employs the latest technologies that ensures your content is delivered without mishap and within a networks’ deadlines. Our video farms are more like video factories, creating quality control that is synchronized at every step of the process.

New Day Media has a process of providing fast and accurate file transfers to any point on the globe. We can do the heavy lifting using all the types of files native to the broadcast environment. Our machines are state of the art and can process ProRes, H.264, DV or DNxHD files, as well as embed captions and other metadata, then transcode to any format you might need to deliver, such as MXF, LXF, GXF, MPEG files.

Video Insertions and Changes

Changing video to meet international content specs or overseas phone contact versions before a video file is sent out can be a very cumbersome editing process, not to mention time-consuming chore. Our staff are experts in video editing and can set up your station versions to include changes without looking like it was done in a factory. Each change is designed to look like it was created and meant to be in that episode. Bars and tone, black, and slates are created and checked before we release any content to the stations. With New Day Media, you will always be guaranteed to meet all the requirements necessary for your content to be delivered and played out at the headend.

Quality Control and Correction

We believe all video content should be calibrated to industry standards to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. When we come across content within a program that is not in sync with television standards, our quality control system will pick it up and make the necessary changes. QC is very important to us, and has been our hallmark of New Day’s operations since we began.

New Day Media’s Internet Pipe

Broadcast files are many times over 20 Gigs in size. It takes enterprise size internet connections to ensure the content is delivered to stations. Most programmers do not have the bandwidth to deal with file transfers this large, and only have something like a T1 or cable modem line to operate. In this case, it takes 30 hours for you to get your file to each station using a T1 and 4.5 hours with most cable modems. New Day Media uses very large fiber optic lines to do the heavy lifting of delivering video content. We get the job done and delivered every time without excuse.